About Us

The Spring House is an urban farm where we view crops as relatives that care for us, as we in turn care for them, through seedkeeping and tending of the plants; in order to bring us both into the future together. It is also a botanical sanctuary used to support at-risk native medicinal plants and is a space that we share with the flora and fauna here, as well as with our human friends and family.

Although this parcel is small, we have everything from dense shade under a narrow strip of woodland in the back, to full sun in the front yard where we grow most of our food, as well as a little of everything in between. This great diversity in a small space allows us to grow a wide variety of plants and trees. We have also been rewilding some of the land, which has brought many new flying and four-legged visitors and residents to The Spring House.

Since moving here in late 2018, The Spring House has slowly been in the process of transforming from a typical 1950’s neighborhood suburban home whose house and land had seen better days, to its current status as a botanical sanctuary and urban farm

The Spring House is a little corner of the world that we hope to caretake well, as we share it with you.– Robert & Joni McKeown



The Transition








When Joni is not out digging in the soil, talking to the plants, tending seeds and communing with the creatures that live at The Spring House, she is a passionate educator about growing and encouraging others to connect to the land and the environment they live in.

In addition, Joni strives to bring healing to others as a clinical herbalist (Associate – American Herbalist Guild), and licensed massage therapist, as well as a Permaculture Design Consultant (PDC). She is also an artist, writer, and musician, weaving these all into her work as well.





Robert spends most of his time as “support staff” at The Spring House, helping to make all this possible, as well as working as a Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (APRN PMHNP-BC) for a local non-profit clinic. He is also a lifelong professional drummer.