Be well friends…

There are so many challenges we are all facing right now that it is hard to know what direction to look in sometimes. Here in Nashville, March brought a tornado that destroyed or disrupted many of our family and friend’s homes and businesses, and then COVID-19 which has now shut down many parts of our lives. While the “storm” is not over yet, we have seen love shown from friends and strangers, and in the midst of all of this, is the search for gratitude.
If I stop for a moment I do not have to look far though… laughing on a group family text with those living in different parts of the country, having FaceTime tea with a friend that lives nearby since we cannot visit each other, waving and talking to the many people that walk our neighborhood, quick phone calls to family that are close, but that I cannot visit right now.
And also, for the earth that I tend, and all the green things that are coming up in it. Gratitude for the plants that feed us, for the “weeds” growing in my yard that I can put in my soup, the beautiful flowers that stir with life from the many pollinators, hummingbirds and butterflies that visit them, and the mockingbirds that have become friends.
In addition to the gratitude is a desire for action…
We had classes scheduled at The Spring House for the entire year of 2020; many of which are now on hold. In the meantime, our passion is still to try to support everyone in being able to grow their own food and get their hands in the dirt, so we are launching is The Seed Revolution. This is a movement about the power of a seed. It is about living locally, growing our own food, and learning to live life in community with each other and with the green world around us. We hope you will visit the site and become part of the revolution.
Peace & love, Robert & Joni McKeown
(March 2020 – Updated September 2020)